Just a little rant :)
Today on the bus on my way home
from work I stumbled upon a sign that not only made me reflect and think about
how women are being objectified and degraded but also made me cringe to realize
that women are allowing this to happen to themselves knowingly. A sign that
said, "Girls, Girls, Girls," as if it were some sort of circus
I have never come across a sign that said,
"Boys, Boys, Boys!" NEVER. And though I am sure there are some in existence,
they are not publicized the way that women night clubs are. Men are applauded
for their dirty works and women get dirty looks.
As women, we should not let
ourselves become objectified. We are not objects and should not be treated as
such. And for those that think selling themselves is the only solution to financial
problems, think again. You gain finances, but lose morals. Money comes and goes
but you cannot repurchase dignity.
I am really intrigued by your passion towards the view towards woman. I would love to see this rant be extended to an essay with complimenting examples.You should include the voices of those who have been looked down at and those who have been degraded to make your argument stronger. Viewing woman this way isn't right and I totally agree on the subject of this publication